​​​​​​​​​​Open data in Communications, ​Space & Technology Comm​ission​:

Communications, Space & Technology Commission is providing open data through the CST website and Open Data Portal of Saudi Arabia, to enable th​e public use and benefits of such datasets whi​ch can be found in multiple extensions.  ​

​Open Da​ta policy​​:

Open Data:​

Open data is defined as specific datasets, which is in machine-readable format that is available to public freely without any restriction.


The responsibility of data users:​

Open data user is responsible for the re-use of the CST's open data and should not result in any mistakes related to the content, source and history of the data

​Terms of using Data:​

  • The user should not distort the data or its source.
  • The data mist not be used for political purposes, or to support illegal or criminal activity, or to be used in racist or discriminatory expressions, or in bringing about negative influences in culture or equality, or in provoking any behavior that is illegal or contrary to the customs and traditions of the Kingdom.
  • The source of the data should be mentioned when using such data (CST e-portal link).
  • The user is responsible of using such data and the resulting data errors.​

​CST responsibility:​

CST is not responsible for any damage or misuse affect others as a result of using open data available on the portal. Also, CST is not guaranteeing the continuity of such data or part of it. Moreover, CST is not responsible towards the users of this data, and whatever damag​e or loss that might incur on them, as a result of using such data. ​

For inquiries regard​ing the Open Data by e-mail (dmo@cst.gov.sa​)​