Approval of the document "WLAN Regulations"

  • Number:
  • 474/1443
  • Date:
  • 1443/5/29
  • (Regulatory )
  • (Spectrum sector)

​The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission,

Vested with statutory powers, and in order to achieve the provisions stated in Article 3 of the Telecommunications Act issued by Royal Decree No. (M/12) dated 12/03/1422 AH, including achieving effective and interference-free usage of frequencies, and achieving clarity and transparency in procedures;

Based on CITC Ordinance, and the provisions of Articles (78) and (84) of the Telecom Act Bylaw, which entrusted CITC with the authority to prepare and publish spectrum management procedures and regulations and to Establish and publish technical standards for telecommunications devices and equipment.
(Resolves as follows)
Approval of the document "WLAN Regulations" as reflected in this Resolution.
The document "WLAN Regulations" referred to in Paragraph "First" shall replace the document "Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN/Wi-Fi) Usage Regulations” and shall enter into force as of 28/05/1443 AH corresponding to 01/01/2022 AD.
The document “Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN/Wi-Fi) Usage Regulations " referred to in Paragraph "Second" above shall continue in force until the date of entry into force of the "WLAN Regulations" document.
This Resolution shall be published on CITC's website.

Dr. Mohammed bin Saud Al-Tamimi
Governor, CITC