Decision No. (18/1424) Dated 08/09/1424 H

  • Number:
  • 18/1424
  • Date:
  • 08/09/1424 H
  • (Regulatory )
  • ( )
The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission, with the powers he holds, after reviewing the provisions related to the Telecommunications Act issued under the Royal decree No. M/12 dated 12/03/1422H and its Telecommunications bylaw and the Ordinance of the Communications and Information Technology Commission issued under the Council of Ministers Decision No. 74 dated 05/03/1422H.After reviewing Article One of the Decision No. (5/1424) dated 28/02/1424H entrusting the Communications and Information Technology Commission the responsibility of regulating the Global Mobile Personal Communications Services provisioning and the provision of this service shall continue pursuant to the current agreements concluded between the Saudi Telecommunications Company and the Saudi Globalstar Operations Co. Ltd. and Thuraya Co. for Space Telecommunications for an interim period determined by six months as of the date of issuance of the above mentioned Decision, Pursuant to the coordination made by the Commission with the concerned parties (Saudi Telecommunications Company, the Saudi Globalstar Operations Co. Ltd. and Thuraya Co. for Space Telecommunications) whereas it becomes clear that the works stated in Article Two of the Decision during the transitional period given by the Commission were not all completed and in accordance with the work benefit requirements,

 (Decides the following):
Article One:
The transitional period determined by the Decision No. (5/1424) dated 28/02/1424H shall be extended an other six months starting from the end of the first inception transitional period in (27/08/1424H).
Article Two: 
Continue working with the provisions of Article Two of the Decision No. (5/1424) dated 28/02/1424H during the second transitional period and the works included in this Article shall be completed by the concerned parties (Saudi Telecommunications Company, the Saudi Global star Operations Co. Ltd. and Thuraya Co. for Space Telecommunications) within a maximum period of three months only as of the date of the end of the previous transitional period and submit to the Commission the results which have been reached.
Article Three: 
The Commission shall perform all the necessary arrangements for issuance of Licenses for this service during the second transitional period referred to it in Article One of this Decision.
Article Four: 
This Decision shall be communicated to the Saudi Telecommunications Company and the concerned parties to act accordingly as of the date of its issuance.
Eng./ Abdulrahman Abdullah Al- Fehaid
Acting Governor, CITC ​